
Sector | Technology

The Microsoft Surface Hub: helping partners and developers to communicate and collaborate

OnlineDIRECT is an energy aggregator that works with partners to resell capacity.

Location | Northamptonshire


Moving to a new Moulton, Northamptonshire office prompted a complete refurbishment. The Surface Hub proved the ideal solution to address the issues caused by previous "home brew" solutions. The IT department uses them regularly, and more people have started to use them, as the Hub requires no training, and users can quickly become adept.


“Our team was experiencing video collaboration using the Surface Hub. A problem was raised and I saw several people approach the Hub whiteboard and make notes, moving back and forth to update and amend the issue until the problem was solved. I then watched as a problem was turned into a solution in real-time, in about ten minutes.”  - Chris Lewis, OnlineDIRECT IT Manager.

“It was on our wish list to improve the way we do business, and to some extent to lift staff morale with better tools,”

Chris Lewis – IT Manager